Home Personal Growth 9 Ways You Can Finish The Year Strong

9 Ways You Can Finish The Year Strong




Can you believe it’s December! Like many of you I’ve also been caught off-guard by how quickly we’ve reached the end of the year. Before you know it, you’ll be into 2018 looking puzzled, dazed and confused mainly because you weren’t able end the current year strong.

Good news for all of us though is that we at least have this whole month to make amends, pick up the pieces and feel less crushed by the impacts of chasing time. So in the spirit of starting 2018 fresh and rejuvenated, here are a few tips to help you end the year strong and feeling much more accomplished and successful.

1. Clear Your Space

As hassling as it is, moving into a new place gives you the opportunity to find things (junk) that you either don’t use or need. It’s a great way minimize, reduce and clear out the clutter of things you have lying around. While moving to a new office space (or desk) may not always be possible, you could still apply this analogy to clearing out your workspace and identifying things you really don’t need. Use this time of the year to stay organized and more focused on matters and things that really require your attention.

2. Eliminate Confusion

Try completing this sentence: “I’m not really sure…” If you’re able to fill in a few unclear issues that have been lurking in your head, then use this month to eliminate these confusions. Is your boss confident you’ll be able to meet your targets before the year end? Are you finally going to make it on the list of high potential employees? How will your contributions be aligned to the organization’s 2018 goals? Seeking clarity on several such confusions can help you clear the air, end this year strong and approach the new year with renewed confidence.

3. Dust off the Cobwebs

Do you remember that leaky faucet in your home that needs to be fixed? Hasn’t it been left unattended for a while now? There certainly must be a few tasks and projects that you’ve been putting off for a later date. These are the small tasks that may not be added up to much, but once you’re done with them they’ll provide you much relief. Now’s the time to attack them and write them off as you end 2017.

4. Reflect of the Year

What goals did you set at the start of 2017? Were you able to achieve them? Were you successful in changing, altering and improving yourself? If you’re shying off from your goals, you’re in luck. This month allows you the buffer you need to set things straight and end the year feeling accomplished before you head into a new year and a new set of goals and challenges. So look back and get cracking at those goals.

5. Set Realistic, Creative and Achievable Goals

You probably set yourself annual goals and work towards achieving them during the year. This year spice things up by being a little more creative. Goals are great to have as they allow you vision and result-based path to your focused efforts. However, just having annual goals isn’t enough if they’re easy to achieve or not building up to something substantial. Now’s the time to put on your creative hat and think up of a creatively charged up goal. Something that’s bigger than you – but still achievable and realistic for you to aim for.

6. Learn Something New

Irrespective of what goals you set for yourself each year, one component that you should incorporate into your yearly plan is personal enhancement of skills or knowledge. Whether you choose it to be something that links to you profession or not isn’t of importance. The idea here is to learn a new skill that enhances you as a person. It could be something that you’ve always wanted to do (like playing music or pottery) but never had time for.

7. Identify a Mentor

You have your goals and objectives all laid out for the year. To make sure you really do achieve them it’s probably a good idea to find a mentor or two to help support you along your journey. Sure you’re capable and competent, but you’ll learn that mentors have a way of motivating you and keeping you honest with yourself. Mentors can provide you just the right dose of encouragement and access to knowledge that you need to succeed.

8. Improve Yourself

Look deep within yourself (and with utmost honesty) and you’ll be able to find a few weaknesses. These may not be significant enough to hold you back from being successful, but they do keep you from being a better version of yourself. If you really want to take steps forward you need to be able to address your weakness and put them to rest. Seek help and support where needed, however, make the honest effort to improve yourself so that you can achieve even more successes.

9. Reconnect With People

Your journey so far in the year may or may not be fruitful. Irrespective you most definitely had people you interacted with this year who helped and supported you and from whom you benefited. Make sure you find the time to reconnect with these key people in your life. These are the people who’ve contributed to your growth in some way or the other. They’ve been your allies, partners and maybe even your guide. Gratitude goes a long way and you’ll definitely be crossing paths with them in the near future. Let’s head into 2018 knowing your allies remain by your side, as supportive as ever.

What do you do to end the year strong? Do share your tricks, tips and habits so we can add on to this list.

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Author: Paul Keijzer

Paul Keijzer is an innovative business leader and HR professional with more than 40 years of experience. He is the CEO of The Talent Games & Engage Consulting, a sough-after speaker and renowned name in the HR technology space. Been an official member of the Forbes Business Council 2020 and still contributes his thought leadership insights on various online platforms.

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Paul Keijzer

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