Home Personal Growth 3 Ways to Achieve Happiness that You Probably Forgot About

3 Ways to Achieve Happiness that You Probably Forgot About




Every two weeks I ask myself a question through a task reminder:
“Are you happy with what you are doing right now and what are you doing to push your own boundaries?”

Afterall, if you consider your current position in life – both professional and personal, you won’t find much success unless you’re reaching some level of happiness on all fronts. Every new year people make a number of resolutions but if you think about it they’re all point to one direction: being happier in everything they do. Now you could do something extreme and in my opinion relatively short lived such as the 10 Day Happiness Challenge but I think you’ll be far more successful if you make striving for happiness a way of life. Here are some simple yet overlooked ways to get you started.

Live and Let Live

Letting people live their lives as they see fit is so logical it should be as natural as breathing. But as humans we’re generally very judgmental about anything and everything other people do. How many times have you looked at the way someone does their job or achieves their level of work life balance and think that you know how to do it better? Chances are quite often.

Happiness Tip #1: Stop wasting your brain power on improving other peoples lives and focus solely on how to live your’s better. 

Set Your Own Priorities

One of the things I’ve learned while living in Asia is that the concept of extended families often reaches into the workplace – i.e. many people assume it’s their responsibility to help you sort your life out. These people may be your boss, mentor or just another colleague. If it’s not someone at the workplace then for sure someone at home “has an idea on what’s most important for you.” As harsh as this may sound to some, it doesn’t matter what your father, mother or boss thinks.

Happiness Tip #2: You know what’s most important to you. Set your priorities and don’t think twice about what other people think. 

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

This may seem counter intuitive. People think that remaining in their comfort zone is the best way to stay happy. But I don’t think being passive achieves happiness. Instead, being passive eventually will lead to boredom with the status quo which definitely will not lead you to a happy life. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and taking risks is a great way to challenge your brain which really does lead to happiness. It indirecly pushes you to reach higher and gives you a sense of purpose.

Happiness Tip #3: Take risks – get out of your comfort zone. Reach for goals which seem challenging.

Like I said, being happy is a way of life. It’s a decision to find happiness wherever it may exist. A common misconception about happy people is that they have it easy but in reality nobody does. People who appear happy have learned how to handle challenges and difficult situations in positive ways. And that my friends is the bottom line: being positive while reaching for the stars.

Photo Credit: yourbartender via Compfight cc

Author: Paul Keijzer

Paul Keijzer is an innovative business leader and HR professional with more than 40 years of experience. He is the CEO of The Talent Games & Engage Consulting, a sough-after speaker and renowned name in the HR technology space. Been an official member of the Forbes Business Council 2020 and still contributes his thought leadership insights on various online platforms.

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Paul Keijzer

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