Home Talent Management in Asia Picking The Right Team

Picking The Right Team




ID-10086457Now that Pakistan has elected its new leaders, the focus shifts to how they use this mandate to select the team that will govern us. Will they focus on loyalty or capability, on past track record or intentions, on homogeneity or diversity? Who ever they choose, it will say a lot about the future direction of our country.

Of course, the same can be said about creating a collaborative culture in an organization. The composition of a team is a great indication of performance. So, as a team leader, how do you pick the right team members? You have to find the right balance of people that you believe will collectively bring individual strengths that work best as a whole.

When it comes to compiling a team, there has to be a list of things a leader is looking for. Here is my personal selection criteria:

1. Can they deliver?
The most important criteria should be about whether an individual has the capability and capacity to deliver on overall objectives. Working for a personal agenda can get in the way of team building and can been seen in delivered results.

2. Are they committed?
For an individual to deliver he has to have both the ‘will and skill’. Having the skill but not the will won’t get you anywhere. Are the person’s interests, motivations and passion aligned with what they are being asked to do?

3. Are they different?
Thirdly it is all about diversity. The power of a team is in the combination of different personalities coming together. If everybody thinks the same, acts the same, likes the same ideas, I promise you that the outcome will lack the creativity that a team brings to the table.

4. Are they willing to learn?
A person that is curious and willing to learn will grow, will not be stubborn and will only ‘defend’ his point of view. The willingness to learn means wanting to build on other people’s points of view and creating a dialogue from which breakthrough solutions can result.

5. Can they have fun together?
Lastly, it’s all about enjoying being and performing together. Having a positive experience and outcome is about being able to hold each other accountable, argue and fight about the things that matter and then to realize that no one in the team is more important than the team itself. I don’t know many people who can give their best if they don’t have fun in what they are doing.

It is all about bringing people together to create synergy and achieve greatness. In your opinion, what should leaders keep in mind while planning the company’s future and assembling their dream team?

– Paul Keijzer

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Author: Paul Keijzer

Paul Keijzer is an innovative business leader and HR professional with more than 40 years of experience. He is the CEO of The Talent Games & Engage Consulting, a sough-after speaker and renowned name in the HR technology space. Been an official member of the Forbes Business Council 2020 and still contributes his thought leadership insights on various online platforms.

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  1. After s dismal performance by the Last ruler and his team,Its a do or die situation in Pakistan.New team has to perform,there is NO other way out.However question is about their capabilities ,this is a million dollar question.Leaders have to provide clear vision and path to the destiny and everyone must act accordingly.It should be a PDCA cycle,where all must continously review and perform.Though easier said than done,its a big challenge for the team and as a Nation for each citizen.
    We have to learn from our mistakes and proceed ahead at a phenomenol speed.Our destiny is just round the corner,let us all gear up and act.Good Luck Pakistan


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