Should A Leader Be Seen As A Superhuman?

Leaders are defined by the depth of their vision, the strength of the teams they built and the successes they achieve. They communicate well and openly, are committed to their profession and motivate people around them to become successful. Leaders are creative, bold and charismatic. These traits and more...

5 Risks Worth Taking to be Headed Towards Success

When things are going well it would be foolish to do anything to change it. Why take risks when everything is going smoothly, right? In truth, the mark of a successful leader isn’t made by the things that they leave constant. Instead, it’s by the risks they take and...

Why Great Leaders Can Have An Unsuccessful Successor

When you think of famous Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom names like Clement Attlee, Sir Winston Churchill, David Lloyd George, Margaret Thatcher, and more recently, David Cameron come to mind. Though for most of us who’ve studied or taken an interest in history, the name of Mr. Churchill...

How To Stop Doing Things That May Damage Your Team

It can happen to the best of leaders. In your drive to create a team of incredibly talented and dedicated individuals who are aligned to the business’s objectives and are focused on delivering quality results, you sometimes falter. How’s it even possible to falter when all your intensions are...

Coaches and Mentors – When To Be One?

Exploiting the full potential of talent isn’t an easy or quick process. It requires patience, commitment, dedication, and a lot of counseling, among several other things. And for all this you need a coaches and mentors to help guide and steer individuals towards the exploitation of their greatness that’s...

Paul Keijzer

Helping you be the change you want to see in your organization.

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