A Positive Reinterpretation

Last January I went to Panama with Earth Train's Mother Nature CEO Program, jointly led by Lider Sucre and Nathan Gray. Both Lider and Nathan are truly inspiring figures and recently Nathan proved why I hold him in such high regard. In one of his emails, Nathan shared that following...

Rooting Out Corruption at KESC

Having worked in Asian developing countries for almost 15 years, I have come to learn that corruption and people trying to obtain undue benefits, has always been part of this working culture. I am always surprised by the ingenuity of their schemes. For example, I came to learn that...

Accountability: A Leadership Test

I have found that for leaders, including many CEO’s, holding people accountable is their Achilles heel. They feel uncomfortable and shy away from confronting employees about their behaviors. They procrastinate instead of getting to the (sometimes difficult) conversation. The consequences of not taking any action are significant. At an individual...

Death by Conference

- I have not been to a conference in quite some time and I must admit… I hate them. They don't add any value and the only thing you get out of it, is that you are able to reconnect with colleagues you haven't seen for a while. . The standard conference flow...

DHL Express Pakistan: Accelerating into “The Best Place to Work”

Engage Consulting, a leadership and HR consulting firm in Pakistan, is excited to announce the winners of The Express Tribune 2012 Best Place to Work Study – DHL Express Pakistan. From the 200+ companies invited to participate in the study, DHL is walking away with the well-deserved award with approximately...

Paul Keijzer

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