Top Talent Investment

The previous CEO of Engro Corp, Asad Umer, did what most leaders should do - he directly interacted with the talent in his organization. He invited them over for special events in which he engaged them in conversations that were important for the company and took the opportunity to...

The Balancing Act

Anyone who has ever been deeply committed to their job, knows that managing a successful career while having a healthy personal life is almost next to impossible. Professionals deal with the challenge of trying to find the perfect balance between family and work life on a daily basis. It...

2012 Best Place to Work Highlights

Over the past three years, Engage Consulting has gained a tremendous amount of insight into what makes a company the 'best place to work' in Pakistan, and together with research done across the world we know that organizations whose employees are strongly engaged with the organization grow faster, earn...

Learning with Leon: My Q&A with Leon Menezes

Leon Menezes’s 18 year work experience in Human Resources, Marketing & Sales, and Customer Services provides him with an imperative perspective in understanding and maximizing business opportunities. Leon joined Shell Pakistan Limited in early 2001 and since then he has been serving as General Manager Human Resources – Pakistan. - PK:...

Yes Sahib (Yes Boss)

Having spent almost a decade in South Asia, I am still not used to the “Sahib” culture. Maybe my Dutch egalitarian values are so deeply rooted that I still can't get used to it, or maybe it is my aversion to being given a specific title of importance. Some of...

Paul Keijzer

Helping you be the change you want to see in your organization.

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