Life is Not Fair

Just spent two weeks in the Middle East helping a Giga company to enhance the partnership between senior line managers and their HR departments. What I observed through my interactions with these senior managers was their fascination with fairness. Nothing got them in more of an uproar than an...

2012 Talent Barometer

Welcome to the second issue of the Talent Barometer. A barometer gauges the pressure of the atmosphere, indicating an area of high or low pressure, allowing us to forecast changes in the weather. The Talent Barometer aims to measure the pressure of the current talent market in Pakistan. It...

Do What You Love Or Love What You Do

A recent article by Cal Newport in the New York Times stirred up the debate on how people should choose their career path. The mantra of 'life coaches', self-help literature and career counselors alike is to 'find' your passion and “Do What You Love And Never Work Another Day In...

In China The Disagreement Is In The Details

I am currently on my way back home from my third visit to China in just 6 weeks. I love working there, as it epitomizes my reason for making Asia my home: opportunities and growth. I have been working with the leadership team of a USD 1.3 billion company...

The Engagement Flywheel

Last Friday, Engage Consulting recognized the winners of the Best Place to Work Awards during an intimate lunch at a local restaurant. Winners DHL and Runners up P&G and ICI were all in attendance to receive their awards. When getting leaders together from three companies that are recognized for...

Paul Keijzer

Helping you be the change you want to see in your organization.

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