Home HR Tips, Tools & Resources Are You Ready For The ’Skillpreneurs’ Revolution?

Are You Ready For The ’Skillpreneurs’ Revolution?




My inbox has been flooded for the last couple of days with predictions for the future of HR in 2015 and how to anticipate them. The best of the best was the annual predictions by Josh Bershin (Check out #1 – Engagement, Retention and Culture have become front burner issues). Although the report talks about the changing workplace, one trend that in my view will completely transform the way we run businesses through flexible, contract employments. I think full-time jobs are headed towards becoming obsolete.

A recent publication by PWC on the Future of Work 2022 highlight this trend by giving it a special name: Orange World. In this Orange World, PWC argues that big businesses fragment and small inter-connected business, driven by technology will become the norm. The report states that:

“The Orange World desire for autonomy is strongest in China, especially among young people, indicating a generational shift towards greater freedom, entrepreneurship and specialist skills in this rapidly evolving economy. Over half of participants in China believe that traditional employment won’t be around in the future. Instead, people will have their own ‘brands’ and sell their skills to those who need them.

And I’m convinced that the same applies to other parts in Asia where the European ‘cradle-to-grave’ philosophy has never taken hold and people are not looking at overarching institutes to take charge of their lives. In these environments, personal entrepreneurship is more accepted and appreciated in the larger society.

In the west your grandma is proud of you when you tell her you’ve joined GE, where as in the East your grandma is proud when you tell her you’re running your own company.

So if the skills and expertise that you require is only available with people that are looking for flexible, autonomous, challenging and short term engagements, how will you find, attract, engage and get the best value from them that will benefit your organisation? Here are a couple of thoughts on how you can start preparing for the revolution where individual skilled entrepreneurs – skillpreneurs – will dominate the talent market.

1. Company Reputation is King
In order for you to attract talented skillpreneurs your company reputation is key. Social networks from glassdoor, to Elance and freelance.com will all flaunt opinions about your company from people that have previously interacted with your organisation. Developing and harnessing your company reputation will be essential in your ability to attract skilled entrepreneurs.

2. Tap into the Networks
In the future skillpreneurs will not come to you, you’ll have to find them. Their hangouts are not going to be traditional job boards, instead they’ll associate themselves with networks of similar minded and skilled colleagues. You will have to know where your “skill base” hangs out and through networking throw them an interesting proposition that they would go for.

3. Get Your Pitch Right
Skillpreneurs are looking for flexibility, autonomy and challenges. You have to find ways to package your requirements in their terms and put a value to it that excites the individual. The value is not always monetary since the potential value for skillpreneurs is also in learning, diversification, association, network and experience gained through the assignment.

4. It Is All About The Why
Simon Sinek puts it brilliantly when he says:

“people don’t follow what you do, they follow you why you do it”

This applies even more for the future skillpreneurs. In order to get the best out them you need them to buy into your vision of what you are trying to achieve. Not only “the what” but especially “the why” of the importance the company achieves it’s vision and how they can contribute to that vision.

5. Throw Away Your HR Practices and Policies
Skillpreneurs are running away from old fashioned corporate practices. Don’t try to rope them into policies and procedures that guide your permanent staff. Create a separate world for these short term associates that gives them the flexibility and autonomy that they’re yearning for.

It’s going to be an interesting year for HR – THAT much I can guarantee. Skillpreneurs are just the beginning of major change yet to come. Get exclusive content and stay up to date by signing up to the blog. And make sure to leave your comments below on what you think the future of HR will hold this year.

Learn how you can take your leadership teams through a growth model which will help them mature on a personal and professional level by following me on LinkedIn and subscribing to the Keijzer Community.

Paul Keijzer is the CEO and Founder of Engage Consulting and the co-Founder of The Talent Games, which aims to transform HR by digitising talent processes and creating more engaging and productive workplaces through gamification and mobile technology. As a global HR and Leadership Management expert, Paul knows how to combine business insights with people insights to transform organisations and put them on the path to growth.

Photo Credit: patriziasoliani via Compfight cc

Author: Paul Keijzer

Paul Keijzer is an innovative business leader and HR professional with more than 40 years of experience. He is the CEO of The Talent Games & Engage Consulting, a sough-after speaker and renowned name in the HR technology space. Been an official member of the Forbes Business Council 2020 and still contributes his thought leadership insights on various online platforms.

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