4 Habits of Leaders at the Top of the Ladder


Great leaders typically have a routine with key habits and processes that they practice daily. They understand that success is a daily grind and commitment that revolves around their life purpose. It is something that is cultivated over time.

Here are some habits that powerful leaders in managerial roles have:

1.   Embrace Relentless Learning

Successful leaders know that in order to escape the echo chamber, they need to look for something new to learn every day. This is why leaders in senior positions understand the value of continuous learning and always find ways to gather new knowledge and skills.

So, commit yourself to both formal and informal learning as you’ll find plenty of opportunities to grow. Formal learning may include working with a mentor or participating in professional development while informal may include improving your writing skills, dialogue with others, or creating a reading list intended to expand your mind and interests, etc.

When we adopt a learning mindset, we create space for openness and curiosity and develop as a relentless learner.

2.   Be Transparent

Trust and transparency have become one of the most popular and desired qualities in a leader. Great leaders understand that employees want greater clarity of thought. Therefore, they create a culture of transparency to eliminate the unknowns that creep into their team’s minds.

And what happens as a result? Everyone adopts this attitude and shares their strengths and weaknesses to strategically work on tasks based on performance. Problems are solved faster and teams work more smartly together. It’s important to keep employees in the loop and ensure they understand their role in the overarching purpose and goals of the company.

If you are transparent especially during stormy days, you strengthen your leadership. In turn, people respect you more as a leader and trust you as a person.

3.   Get To Work Early

Though it may seem insignificant to many, one of the habits of great leaders is their commitment to get to work early. Successful leaders like to get command of their day before the rest of the workplace comes alive with activity.

Taking a few minutes to double-check your schedule and setting up your workspace can have immense psychological benefits. Moreover, by doing this you set the tone for your team and let them know you work equally as hard as them (or maybe even harder). It also manifests that you take our job as a leader seriously. While most companies are still working remotely to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and thus this may not seem particularly important, starting working early can help to focus your day as well as inspire others to do it.

It is human nature that the sentiment of being valued and adored prompts an everlasting effect on the human body. One of the best ways to appreciate others is by listening to them. It helps build trust among individuals. When we appreciate others, we recognize them as a separate entity.

4.   Be All Ears

Ask someone the characteristics of a great leader and they will list down things like strategic thinking, a passion to achieve, the ability to inspire and motivate others, etc. However, there is one trait that sets great leaders apart from others, and that is their ability to listen.

Strong leaders are great listeners. They don’t try to control the conversation and listen without judgment. So, make sure you encourage your team members to share their opinions on all aspects of workplace. Avoid emotional interactions, but make yourself approachable and be empathetic. Also, ensure that they know they are valuable assets who bring unique capabilities and aptitudes to the table.

Learn how you can take your leadership teams through a growth model which will help them mature on a personal and professional level by following me on LinkedIn and subscribing to the Keijzer Community.

Paul Keijzer is the CEO and Founder of Engage Consulting and the co-Founder of The Talent Games, which aims to transform HR by digitising talent processes and creating more engaging and productive workplaces through gamification and mobile technology. As a global HR and Leadership Management expert, Paul knows how to combine business insights with people insights to transform organisations and put them on the path to growth.


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