Home Personal Growth How HR Can Keep Jerks Away From the Office

How HR Can Keep Jerks Away From the Office




The last couple of weeks I have shared some of thoughts on how you can create a jerk free office. Today it is about the role of HR to create a jerk free office and the deal with the last 5 jerks from my 15 jerks in the office list.
My shortest definition of the role of HR is: to help line managers maximise the performance of the individual, team and the organisation. As jerks have got a significant negative impact on the productivity of the company, HR should be all over them.
Human Resources needs to do the following:

1. Create a Value Driven Organisation

The first step in creating a jerk free office is for all employee to be clear what behaviour is acceptable and what is not through the through the articulation of values. Of course I dont mean this nice posters and screen savers that shout out what the values are. But the values and behaviour that every body in the organisation is agreeing to ‘live’ and on which basis selection, promotion and even firing decisions are being made.
As the saying goes: “If you don’t know where you are going, any behaviour is acceptable”. It is most important to have articulated and inculcated the values of the company.

2. Be a Role Model First

As the ‘value advocates’, every member of the HR team should ‘act holier than the pope’,  set an example of values in action and treat all people with respect and fairness. Be sensitive to other peoples’ needs and ready to act and guide if you see jerks in other departments.

3. Be Clear on your Policies and Procedures

Of course not all jerks should be shown the exit door, but jerky behaviour that irks towards bullying or harassment should be dealt with zero tolerance, speedily and fairly. For this, clear policies and procedures need to be articulated on how the company will act when other employees are harassed or bullied. HR is the champion of these policies and should be completely aware of their inner workings.

4. Know the Pulse of your Workplace

The HR team members should have their finger on the pulse of the organisation at all time. This means that they are aware of the atmosphere in the organisation and specific teams. HR should know who is a jerk, which boss is a jerk, where are the office ‘cliques’ (groups that exclude others), where there is increased negativism and which teams are most affected by the jerks in the company.

5. Act to Remove Jerky behaviour

When you are aware you can help (1) interact with the jerk to help him understand the consequences of his behaviour, (2) support the line manager of the jerk to ensure he sees the impact and help him how to deal with it and (3) help people around him accept and deal with his jerky behaviour. This of course excludes behaviour where the jerk is harassing or bullying people. Zero tolerance is required and HR should act fast, fair and indiscriminately.

How To Deal with 5 More Jerks in the Office


11. How to Deal with The Perfectionist Jerk

This type of jerk can’t get his work done in time, is absorbed by details and is nitpicking your work, never satisfied and imposes his need for perfection on others.
As employee don’t take it personally they’re just programmed differently. Don’t get intimidated by the need for perfection. Experiences shows that in 20% of the time you get 80% of the results. Use these jerks for what they are good at, details and shooting holes in your work.
As a line manager set clear priorities and explain to them what the goals are. Explain to them about it if your work is being held back because of them. Use them for what they are good at, don’t put them in teams where you need to develop new ideas, they are great completer / finishers.

12. How to Deal with The Credit Stealing Jerk

This type of jerk always claims paternity for the results/ideas, brags, lies, take advantage of others and is needy for recognition.
As an employee be vocal about your work, no one else will do promote it for you. Keep an eye on this jerk; don’t let them take you for a ride twice. Find to way to address the subject with the jerk.
As an line manager make sure you have you finger on the pulse of your team and know who is doing what. Publicly share credits with team members and make sure you only credit the jerk for the work that he has done. When his behaviour becomes obnoxious you can publicly make fun of the jerk. 

13. How to Deal with The Feels Sorry For Himself Jerk

This type of jerk is self deprecating, insecure and lacks confidence.
As an employee be a force of positive energy around them, dont let them drag you down into the ‘victim swamp’. Point out the positive aspects of the situation and maintain your distance with such kill-joys and keep conversations short.
As an line manager try to engage the jerk and understand what the root cause of the insecurity and negativity is all about. Explain the consequences of his behaviour on others but primarily on himself. Coach, give suggestions on what to read / learn and in some case suggest counselling

14. How to Deal with The Overachieving Jerk

This type of jerk does more than is expected of them, making others look bad by doing so; even if others help them out they will find something else to make them look super busy.
As an employee find the positive aspects in these jerks. Learn and be amazed about their desire to be the best in whatever they do. If you have different priorities in life make sure you dont get caught up in their whirlwind. 
As an line manager make sure you keep throwing challenges at these jerks. They are like pitbulls and have a ferocious work appetite. Just make sure that you help this jerk understand that not everybody is wired they way they are and that as a result others are not inferior nor should they be treated that way. 

15. How to Deal with The Victim Jerk

This type of jerk always blames others for his inability to get work done, progress in his career or the situation that he is in.
As an employee dont get caught up in the bottomless hole of despair and complaints. Don’t argue as that will only strengthen the belief of the jerk that others are to blame. When the jerk let his guard down share your positive outlook, but dont get your hopes up that he will get out of this victim mode.
As an line manager make it abundantly clear what the causal relations are between deliverables and consequences (recognition, promotions, firings). Don’t entertain the jerk in his need to share his views on how others have treated him. Don’t ever allow the jerk to be the victim. 
OK I promise next week is the last in the Jerk at the Office series, when I will share you my list of Jerk Bosses! Please subscribe to get posts straight to your inbox.

Photo Credit: Adam Foster | Codefor via photopin cc

Author: Paul Keijzer

Paul Keijzer is an innovative business leader and HR professional with more than 40 years of experience. He is the CEO of The Talent Games & Engage Consulting, a sough-after speaker and renowned name in the HR technology space. Been an official member of the Forbes Business Council 2020 and still contributes his thought leadership insights on various online platforms.

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Paul Keijzer

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